miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

"Tutorial-2" - Comanda Client: Remorcher Britanic, Scara 1/108 // "Tutorial-2" - Client Order: 1/108 scale British Tug Boat

In etapa 2 de lucru, piesele le-am slefuit cu o pila fina, o lama foarte ascutita si smilgher. Am lipit pe puntea barcii niste sfoara pentru a acoperi nodurile de la matrita de turnare, dupa care am vopsit totul in culorile de baza. Am adaugat apoi un Wash Umber de la Vallejo, si folosind tehnica pensulei uscate am scos in evidenta detaliile pe toate portiunile.

In the second stage of work, i removed all the plastic lines and excess from the pieces using a sharp blade, and sand paper and rod. I glued some string on the deck of the model to cover the mold's injection points, and painted the whole thing in basic colors. After that, i applied a Vallejo Umber Wash, and using Dry-brush technique, I highlighted all the details of the deck and upper parts.

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