joi, 20 septembrie 2012

Dirijabil Clasic - 1900 // Classic Airship - 1900

Dirijabil clasic pe aer cald din perioada 1900, construit impreuna cu modelistul Lache Marian-Florin. Aceasta macheta a fost lucrata in totalitate de la "0", iar ca materiale pentru piese s-au folosit lemn, hartie, carton, sfoara, sarma de cupru, sarma de metal, metal, ata, pluta, panza, piatra, sticla, plastic, lac, bait, vopsele Email Revell si Italeri. Dimensiunile cutiei in care este suspendat sunt 35cm inaltime, 32 lungime, si 15 latime. Intreaga constructie a acestei machete unicat a durat 239 de ore.

Classic Airship from the 1900 period on hot air, built together with Lache Marian-Florin. This unique construction has been made from scratch, and as materials used for the parts, we used wood, paper, hard paper, string, copper wire, metal wire, metal, cord, cork, fine textile, pebbles, glass, plastic, varnish, Revell and Italeri Emails. The dimensions of it's box are 35cm height, 32 length, 15 width. This construction took 239 hours to build.

Pret/Price: 150 Euro

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