joi, 2 august 2012

Ancient Races // Curse Antice

Asamblarea finala a pieselor proiectului Olympia. Cele 5 care antice si sectiunea de arena au fost plasate pe o placa vopsita si captusita cu nisip pentru acuratete istorica. Ficare car antic are in parte o mica sectiune de gard ce contine o placuta cu numele fiecarei natii scris in Latina. Ideea in spatele dioramei a fost alinierea carelor inaintea cursei pentru a vedea publicul ce natii participa la curse. Diorama are propria sa cutie construita din plexiglas pentru protectie si display. Dimensiunile dioramei incastrate in cutie sunt 120x50x36 cm. Ore de lucru de la prima piesa pana la produsul final: 3455.

The final assembly of Project Olympia. The 5 ancient chariots have been placed on a painted base covered with sand, for historic accuracy. Each chariot is displayed via a small wooden fence that has a plaque with the nation’s name written in Latin. The idea behind the diorama is that the 5 chariots are displayed before a race so that the public can se the nations participating in the race. The whole diorama has its own plastic glass case for protection and display. The complete dimensions of the whole diorama with case included are 120x50x36 cm. The diorama was completed from the first piece to the final assembly in a total of 3455 hours of work.

Pret // Price: 3800 Euro

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