vineri, 27 iulie 2012

Project Olympia: Arena Section // Sectiune Arena

Sectiune de arena pentru cursele de care antice, construita de modelistul Lache Marian-Florin, cu detalii, vopsire si subansamble realizate personal. Aceasta constructie a fost inspirata dintr-o sectiune de capat al arenei Circus Maximus din Roma antica, si a fost realizata cu lemn, furnir, carton, hartie, metal, magneti, sfoara, pluta, plastic, vopsele Italeri, lac, bait. Aceasta va fi parte din intreg ansamblul dioramei alaturi de cele 5 care antice. Total ore de lucru: 1323.

Arena section built by Lache Marian-Florin, with paintwork and subassembly done by me. This construction was inspired by a section from the famous Circus Maximus in Rome, where ancient chariot races were held. It was constructed from wood, plywood, hard paper, paper, metal, magnets, cord, cork, plastic, varnish, and Italeri paints. This section will be placed on the whole diorama along with the 5 ancient chariots. Hours of work: 1323.

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