Car antic Egiptean construit de modelistul Lache
Marian-Florin, cu anumite detalii adaugate personal. Ca materiale de
constructie pentru aceasta piesa unicat s-au folosit, papirus Egiptean, lemn,
furnir, fir aurit, sarma de cupru, carton, plastic, metal, bronz, alama, ata
verde, paie de matura, vopsea Italeri Auriu, bait si lac. Carul va face parte
din ansamblul total al dioramei alaturi de celelalte 4 care antice.
Ancient Egyptian chariot built by Lache Marian-Florin, with
some details and paintwork added by me. As materials used for this unique
construction, we have wood, plywood, Egyptian papyrus, golden thread, copper
wire, hard paper, plastic, metal, bronze, brass, green thread, broom straws,
Italeri Gold paint and varnish. This last chariot will be a part of the whole
assembly of the big diorama.
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