luni, 6 februarie 2012

Gulf War in theory // Razboiul din Golf in teorie

Aceasta diorama la scara 1/32 are ca subiect principal un vehicul blindat de lupta ce in realitate nu exista. Macheta este o jucarie fabricata de compania New Ray, si este defapt o combinatie intre 3 blindate diferite, AVGP Cougar Canadian, LAV-25’ul American al puscasilor marini si LAV-300 al Fortelor Armate Filipineze. Diorama prezinta in teorie o scena din primul razboi din golf, operatiunea Desert Storm in 1991. Detaliile extra adaugate la macheta sunt prelata si cutia puse in spatele turelei, dispersatorul de gaze si ochitorul laser de la gura tunului, si antenele radio.

This 1/32 scale diorama presents an AFV that in reality does not exist. It’s a toy manufactured by the company New Ray, and it’s a combination between 3 vehicles: the AVGP Cougar of the Canadian Army, the LAV-25 of the US Marines, and the LAV-300 of the Filipino forces. It looked so good, that I decided to paint it and create a theoretical Desert Storm diorama. The extra details on it are the box and tent foil on the back of the turret, the radio antennas, and half of a muzzle break and laser aim system on the front of the gun.

Pretul dioramei: 450 Ron

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