This is the B-17 F from Academy models. It's a 1:200 scale model made quite poorly. The pieces didn't match up propperly, and needed a lot of work, so assembly took quite a bit. Another downer is that it didn't have any clear plastic pieces for the windows, so they have to be painted either in black or some metalizer. I've added the machineguns myself, because a B-17 without it's machineguns looks like a passenger aircraft :). I made them from wire painted in Gunmetal black. Despite it's drawbacks it makes an ok display model for a shelf.
Macheta bombardierului B-17 F al firmei Academy. Modelul este realizat la scara 1:200. Dezavantajele machetei sunt cateva: in primul rand piesele sunt turnate slabut, si nu se potrivesc la asamblare, trebuie slefuite, pilite; nu contine geamuri din plastic transparent, acestea fiind turnate direct in forma modelului, necesitand vopsirea in negru sau un metalizator pt efectul de geam. Modelului i s-au adaugat mitralierele facute din sarma vopsita in metalizator inchis. In total, in ciuda dezavantajelor machetei, este ok pentru un model de raft.
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