miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

"Tutorial-3" - Comanda Client: Remorcher Britanic, Scara 1/108 // "Tutorial-3" - Client Order: 1/108 scale British Tug Boat

In etapa 3 de lucru, am reconstruit unele piese ce lipseau machetei, si anume, cosul de fum pentru bucataria navei, si 2 piese pentru prinderea liniilor, una pe varful puntii vasului, iar alta ce venea in spatele vasului. De asemenea piesa de protectie atasata de botul vasului, in realitate era facuta din plase de pescuit, iar piesa machetei nu era destul de detaliata. Am lipit o bucata de tifon pe ea pentru a-i da efectul de navod. Am vopsit treptat toate piesele, intai in culori de baza, dupa care le-am aplicat wash, apoi folosind tehnica pensulei uscate, am scos detaliile si culorile in efect. Pe masura ce am vopsit fiecare piesa, am atasat-o la loc pe vas.

In stage 3, I rebuilt some of the pieces that were missing from the model, the smoke stack from the galley, and 2 line attachments, one in the tip of the front deck, and one from the back. I also remodeled the front piece, that in real life is made out of fishing nets, by adding a piece of medicinal bandage onto it, giving it a fishing net look. I painted the pieces step by step in basic colors, then added wash, and then highlighted the details and colors using dry brush. I've glued back the pieces on the model as I painted them, one by one.

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