miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

Comanda Client: Remorcher Britanic, Scara 1/108 - "Tutorial Diorama" // Client Order: 1/108 scale British Tug Boat - "Diorama Tutorial"

Pentru constructia dioramei, am folosit ca materiale o placa de lemn, 2 bucati de PVC, o foaie de carton taiata la dimensiunile bucatilor de PVC si trasata, si 2 dopuri din cauciuc. Ideea dioramei este de a face marginea unui doc, unde este ancorat remorcherul. Am lipit cele 2 bucati de PVC, le-am imbracat in foaia de carton trasata cu un cutter. Am lipit apoi intreaga piesa pe placa de lemn, si am pozitionat si lipit cele 2 dopuri de cauciuc. Am vopsit apoi intreg ansamblul in negru, am aplicat wash pe suprafata docului, dupa care, folosind tehnica pensulei uscate, am redat efectul docului si celor 2 piese de ancorare. Am trasat apoi linii verzi pe baza, si am atasat cu scotch de hartie 3 bucati de plexiglas pentru a forma cutia de turnare a apei. Pentru apa am amestecat silicon cu cerneala pana ce am adus amestecul la culoarea dorita, si l-am turnat in forma. Apoi am plasat macheta in silicon, si dupa uscare am ancorat-o de doc folosind 2 sfori de matase.

For the diorama construction I used as materials a wooden board, 2 pieces of foam, hard paper lined with a cutter and 2 rubber corks. The idea of the diorama was to make a dock's edge where the Tug Boat is anchored. I glued the 2 pieces of foam, and then using the same glue I covered it with the lined hard paper, then positioned the 2 pieces of rubber. I painted the whole thing black, and then added wash over the dock piece. After that I used dry brush to finish the dock and the two anchoring pieces. After that I traced some green lines on the base, and built a box like structure from plastic glass, which I attached with masking tape, to form the base for the water. I then mixed silicone with ink to get the desired color and pored it in the box. I then placed the Tug Boat in the silicone and attached silk thread lines to the dock and ship to anchor it.

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