duminică, 17 iulie 2011

Fokker Dr.1

Macheta a avionului Fokker DR.1 la scara 1/72. Aceasta macheta provine de la firma RODEN, si este destul de dificila datorita calitatii pieselor sale. Necesita multa munca, sunt strambe, planul de asamblare nu corespunde cu piesele sau avionul real, iar abtipildele cu marcaje au tendinta de a se rupe in mici bucatele. Nu este o macheta extraordinara, si necesita multa munca si rabdare pt a fi asamblata si vopsita. Rezultatul final este satisfacator si cam atat. Acest avion este unul din cele 3 aparate pilotate de faimosul Manfred von Richtofen - Baronul Rosu, si este datat 13 Martie 1918.

The Fokker Dr.1 from RODEN on a 1/72 scale. Personaly i wouldn't recomand this model to anyone, and building it i understood why most of the modeled WW1 planes are modeled on large scales such as 1/32. This one in particular has all the problems a poor model should have. The building scheme does not in some parts match the actual plane or parts, allmost all the parts are poorly made and need a lot of work, and probbably the worst thing, it has virtually no assembly slots for the parts. It takes a huge ammount of work and patience to complete, but this is the end result after almost a full month of working on it on and off. This particular plane is one of the 3 flown by the famous Manfred von Richtofen - The Red Baron, aand it's dated March 13'th 1918. Enjoy and peace!

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